Jeremiah 33-3

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.
Jeremiah 33:3

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.

Thoughts on the Verse
God wants us to seek him and call out to him. He wants to answer us and tell us about things beyond our human comprehension. He longs to draw us close so that we can know him. We can call on him knowing that our Father will answer, protect and comfort us. He will also reveal to us things that would be impossible for us to know without his grace.

Almighty God and Abba Father, help me to know you more and more each day. Hear me when I call you and help me desire to reflect your glory, share your grace  and display your character. Thank you for the gift of being your child and having my future secured. In Jesus  name. Amen.
Jeremiah 33-3 Jeremiah 33-3 Reviewed by Hope Factory on 6:00:00 PM Rating: 5 - FREE Social Promotion
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