Psalm 25-14-15

The Lord confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them. My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only he will release my feet from the snare.
Psalm 25:14-15

The Lord confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them. My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only he will release my feet from the snare.

Thoughts on the Verse 
Deliverance is found in God through deep reverential respect for his holiness and might, through living in covenant relationship with him, and through maintaining our focus on him. Any other roads to deliverance are false and ultimately prove themselves to be a snare. Our eyes must be on the Lord. Only by looking to him will he lead us to safety.

Precious Father, you have done so much to save me. Teach me your ways, correct the wrongs in my life and guide me into the ways of your truth. Make me a vessel that can be used to honor you. In Jesus  name I pray. Amen.
Psalm 25-14-15 Psalm 25-14-15 Reviewed by Hope Factory on 1:00:00 PM Rating: 5 - FREE Social Promotion
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