1 Kings 22-5
But Jehoshaphat also said to the king of Israel, "First seek the counsel of the LORD."
—1 Kings 22:5
Thoughts on the Verse
Jehoshaphat knew not to trust the counsel of false prophets. He was adamant that before they went into battle with anyone, God's people needed to first seek the counsel of the Lord. This should also be our approach to life. So often we ask God to bless what we've already decided rather than spending time in prayer, fasting, and Scripture seeking our Father's will. Let's not rush our decisions. God has promised that he would lead us with his Spirit, let's not rush the Spirit's input, or even worse, ignore it and then ask God to bless us anyway.
Holy and Almighty God, ruler of all nations and Sovereign over all creation, please guide my decisions as I seek your will and your glory. I want my life, my family, my work, and my ministry to be lived in your will. I want to be your servant and not seek my own way and my own glory. Thank you for sending your Spirit to help illuminate your Word and lead, equip and empower me to serve you. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
—1 Kings 22:5
Thoughts on the Verse
Jehoshaphat knew not to trust the counsel of false prophets. He was adamant that before they went into battle with anyone, God's people needed to first seek the counsel of the Lord. This should also be our approach to life. So often we ask God to bless what we've already decided rather than spending time in prayer, fasting, and Scripture seeking our Father's will. Let's not rush our decisions. God has promised that he would lead us with his Spirit, let's not rush the Spirit's input, or even worse, ignore it and then ask God to bless us anyway.
Holy and Almighty God, ruler of all nations and Sovereign over all creation, please guide my decisions as I seek your will and your glory. I want my life, my family, my work, and my ministry to be lived in your will. I want to be your servant and not seek my own way and my own glory. Thank you for sending your Spirit to help illuminate your Word and lead, equip and empower me to serve you. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
1 Kings 22-5
Reviewed by Hope Factory
6:00:00 PM